
Blue sky and clouds, with earth and water below, as seen from a jet plane

The time has come for you to transform yourself with courage, through Love.
We are here to assist you, as is this one through whom we speak.
To go beyond current ways, you must first honor yourself completely.
Detach from experiences, beliefs, and people that drain or restrict you.
Open your heart, mind and soul, then freely ask for and receive all that you need.
Join with others on the same path, and bring resolution to karmic patterns.
With honor and courage, you can co-create a future of love and harmony for all.
— Miriam’s Transformation Guides

Their message is clear. Here are some thoughts of mine about each line in the message:

“The time has come for you to transform yourself with courage, through Love.”

Do you yearn to ‘be more’? Are you always striving to grow and to learn? Do you want to make more of a difference in your world, in ways that fulfill you? If so, now is the time to dig down even deeper into your being, to heal yourself, to free your mind and believe in your truth, and to transform every spark of essence in your body, spirit, and life! The path is through Love, unconditional and harmonious. It is not only possible, it is why you are here!

“We are here to assist you, as is this one through whom we speak.”

Invite these Transformation Guides to join your teams of invisible Divine teachers, protectors, and supporters. Their specialty is helping you move beyond all past limitations. Their insights are invaluable! They are positioned around me at all times, so that any direction I turn brings possibilities for transformation. They want to do the same for you. Connect with them, get to know them, and learn to sense when and how they are opening doors for you. As for their reference to my assistance, I thoroughly enjoy helping others to expand their perspectives on health and life. Contact me if you are ready to explore a transformational healing session or a more intensive transformational coaching series.

“To go beyond current ways, you must first honor yourself completely.”

The journey of honoring yourself can be long or short. Now is the time to make it short, to leap fully into accepting every thought, word, deed, and experience of your past. You don’t have to like it all, but acceptance is crucial. Forgiveness is also needed, forgiveness of others and of yourself, for all that was or wasn’t thought, spoken, and done. Then you can love yourself and encourage yourself, the sweetest gift you can ever give. As you honor yourself and your past, you can refine and choose more appropriate thoughts, words, and deeds for this present time. You are alive still, and that means you are strong! You are now ready to transform your life.

“Detach from experiences, beliefs, and people that drain or restrict you.”

Once you honor yourself on all levels of your being, you can recognize more clearly when situations are sapping your vitality, clarity or commitment. Discern if it is from within you or from around you. Notice what or who drains you of energy, and what or who distracts you from your chosen course. Anytime you sense a decrease in your well-being, stop, look and listen within, and then take action to banish the cause. Be done with carryovers from the past, and claim your new ways of being in each new ‘now’.

“Open your heart, mind and soul, then freely ask for and receive all that you need.”

No matter how much you have been hurt in the past, your heart and mind can heal, and you can expand your ability to give and receive love. With that expansion comes trust, and faith that there is a bigger picture, a greater consciousness in this vast cosmos that can help you attract what you need. Practice asking for help from your invisible guides, as well as from your loved ones in bodies. The more you ask, the more you receive; the more you give thanks, the more you receive. Focus initially on the answers you need, the priorities of each day, and the small gifts and blessings you desire. Pay attention as they arrive, and be grateful! Larger requests may take ‘time’ to manifest, but if truly needed by your soul and being, their future presence in your life is assured. Remain open and aligned with your transformation process.

“Join with others on the same path, and bring resolution to karmic patterns.”

These times are also about gathering together with kindred beings of all kinds. Let go of old patterns of having to do everything by yourself, alone. Now you must learn to cooperate with others of like spirit, to communicate clearly, to trust each beings’ abilities to do their part of a job correctly, and even more, to find joy in shared visions and companionship. While creating community you can best resolve your individual karma as well as that of the tribe of humanity.

“With honor and courage, you can co-create a future of love and harmony for all.”

Now comes the work that grows easier each day, the focus on honoring yourself, filling yourself with courage, and allowing your heart and soul to guide your visions of who you want to be and how you want to live. Dare to dream bigger than ever before, to imagine how wonderful life will be - and is already - when you and others like you manifest new ways of living that are harmonious, filled with respect, acceptance, and love for each other. Practice this daily in your own life, until your dreams becomes your new reality!

