
Pilot whales swimming on the surface near the shore of Kona, HI

“Rise above the indoctrinations of family and society.
Empower your essence to shine in your form.
Express and live from your beloved heart and soul.
Act upon your intentions to heal and feel joy.
Invite us to help you with insights and miracles.
Step onto the path of Union through love.
— Miriam’s guides, the ‘Golden Ones’

This is the second message from the Golden Ones. You might want to read their first message from January 2024 if you missed it. They asked that I pass on their thanks to those of you who took their first message in so deeply. They have joined your guidance teams, and want to help any of you. As follows are my suggestions for each statement in this message.

“Rise above the indoctrinations of family and society.”

The Golden Ones want you to recognize that the limitations from your past are only as real as you allow them to be. Once you see from a higher vantage point, or with the wisdom of years, you know that most of what you have been taught was intended to keep you small and make you fit into a mold or a behavior. Now is the time to do whatever is necessary to free yourself from past delusions, rules, and programs.

“Empower your essence to shine in your form.”

Your essence is the deepest, most expansive truth of who you are. Your form is your body. When you envision your body being filled with your essence, it radiates from within you, shining into every cell, and beyond the boundaries of your physical form. Do what you can to nurture the light of your essence, every day and every night.

“Express and live from your beloved heart and soul.”

In their first message the Golden Ones said that ‘you are beloved’. Have you opened yourself to that? You probably had to drop down from your mind and thoughts, into your heart, and even further down, into your soul. Connecting through your heart and soul results in better outcomes in life. As you learn to express from those wiser parts of yourself, and to live more consciously from their centers, your possibilities and opportunities increase.

“Act upon your intentions to heal and feel joy.”

Your heart and soul can guide you to set intentions to heal yourself, and your relationships with others. Their wisdom can help you act in ways that improve your situations in life. You can experience more frequently the wondrous joy in living in a human body, filled with your essence’s light. The simplest ephemeral life experiences can transform your day for the better, like hearing a songbird bubbling over with its joy in living. Focus on your future possibilities as your body becomes healthier and stronger in its healing journey, and focus on the joys of life.

“Invite us to help you with insights and miracles.”

The Golden Ones are offering their gifts and skills in increasing your self-understanding, and in transformation. Take them up on their offer! You may notice more flashes of insight, sudden realizations that change your outlook in a split second, and more acceptance of what was in the past and what is yet to come. Miracles can happen frequently if you are open to seeing them and receiving them. They are synchronicities that take place outside of time and space, with meaning and impact felt by you, the witness. Invite them and notice their presence.

“Step onto the path of Union through love.”

The Golden Ones are inviting you to walk with them and many other beings, including humans, who desire union rather than division and separation, and love rather than hatred and violence. It is not the most commonly walked path in our current society, so you must be willing to ‘rise above the indoctrinations’. The path of union through love is far more rewarding than the other paths. I hope you will choose to step onto this path and walk with me, the Golden Ones, and so many others! Onward and upward!



