
“We greet you as kindred beings exploring multiple existences simultaneously.
We visit you and see how challenging it can be to live in your world.
We remind you that separation, fear, and inner conflict are delusions.
We encourage you to open your heart and mind to the beauty of your inner light.

Invite us into your being so our golden light empowers your radiance.
Accept these truths: you are beloved, precious, worthy, honored, and needed!
Dream about who you want to become in this changing world, and be that self now.
Embody new ways of thinking and living that bring you ease, comfort, and joy.
You have the power to transform your life, and all life, every single day and night!” Miriam’s guides, the “Golden Ones”

The Golden Ones are Beings of Light who want humans to free themselves from the false limitations presented as reality by our society and its systems of politics, religions, and schools. I first made their acquaintance as a young child, then was bereft when they left my awareness. As an adult they reconnected with me through meditation, and now are part of my regular ‘team’. It has been a pleasure to receive their guidance and support. Now you can also!

“We greet you as kindred beings exploring multiple existences simultaneously.”

‘As kindred beings’, the Golden Ones know you well, accept you, and share the same values that are in your heart and soul. You might want to commune deeply with your inner self and come up with ideas of what you truly yearn for in life. They imply that you are also ‘exploring multiple existences simultaneously’, like them. What does that mean to you? Consider the various roles, personas, and experiences you enact in your life. In a given day you may also work, accomplish tasks, eat, cherish or regret the past, play, create, look forward to or fear the future, sleep, and dream. Can you become more conscious of when and how you are ‘exploring multiples existences simultaneously’?

“We visit you and see how challenging it can be to live in your world.”

Have you ever felt the presence of beings shining with golden light? Have you ever seen a golden light behind your closed eyes, filling your head, or a body part? What did you feel if you experienced that light? It is reassuring that the Golden Ones know the challenges we face here. It is a relief that these beings actually see the complexity of our current times, and want us to know that. It helps to be acknowledged in the struggle to stay positive, loving, and kind.

“We remind you that separation, fear, and inner conflict are delusions.”

Delusion is defined as a false belief held in spite of evidence to the contrary, yet the delusions listed are all culturally accepted as valid. If you were to accept that separation, fear, and inner conflict are false beliefs, how can you clear them so you experience the truth? If separation does not exist, can your healing help others? If fear is not real, can you simply acknowledge it when you feel it, and take action in spite of it? If inner conflict is false, can you find your underlying truth that brings clarity to you, and disperses the perceived conflict like mist in the sunshine? Explore how you might be, feel, or act if you were to dissolve these delusions.

“We encourage you to open your heart and mind to the beauty of your inner light.”

You each have an inner light, and the Golden Ones state that it is beautiful. Do you know that? Is your heart open to your light? Does it nourish your light? Is your mind open to your light? Does it accept its beauty? Does your light have a color? Is it bright, or is it dim? If dim, can you focus your mind to envision your light and make it brighter? Create a simple practice to do each day that affirms and enhances the existence and the beauty of your inner light.

“Invite us into your being so our golden light empowers your radiance.”

As a kindred being of the Golden Ones, you are safe, loved, and supported by them. Feel free to do as they say, and invite them into your entire being: body, mind, heart, and soul. Imagine that you can see and feel their glorious golden light within you, and your own light brightens in response. Allow the combined light to grow stronger, filling you, so that even your skin begins to glow. Now envision the light extending through you and around you in all directions, until you are your radiant self in your human form, shining with beauty.

“Accept these truths: you are beloved, precious, worthy, honored, and needed!”

Start by repeating the phrases out loud, “I am beloved”, “I am precious”, “I am worthy”, “I am honored”, “I am needed”. Notice if any are easier to say, and which ones make you hesitate. Say them each multiple times, maybe even singing them with a melody. Explore each statement one by one. Are there times, places, or situations when you don’t feel one to be true? Can you pause in those circumstances and remind yourself that, even if you doubt it now, the Golden Ones want you to accept it as truth? Consider how you might personally be ‘needed’. What do you have to offer to them, yourself, and the world? If all of these are truths, then what delusions of your own must be discarded? What if you were to start each day by affirming that you are beloved, precious, worthy, honored, and needed? Make it real within you, and witness how your life changes thereafter.

“Dream about who you want to become in this changing world, and be that self now.”

Do you get occasional glimpses of yourself as an artist, a teacher, a healer, a valued person in your community, or something different than you currently are? Do you wish you were more relaxed, confident, and happy? Do you yearn for like-minded and like-spirited friends? The first step in any change is to allow yourself to explore those flashes of intuition. Start imagining yourself being or doing the desired end result. Feel the excitement that arises, the possibilities, the joy. Practice being that person, or doing that action in the comfort of your own room. Be brave and practice it with those who love and accept you. Then take it out into other safe venues. Immerse yourself in your desired way of being until it feels natural. It is never too late to grow into the person you want to be!

“Embody new ways of thinking and living that bring you ease, comfort, and joy.”

Take a look at your life. Do you feel much ease, comfort and joy? If not, how can you increase them? Can you let go of the habit of trying to please others? Can you affirm what the Golden Ones say are truths? Can you set aside 30 minutes each day to be creative or to read? Perhaps different clothes or shoes could help you feel more relaxed and cozy? Do you need to connect more with friends or loved ones who really accept you as you are? Maybe you need more quiet time in nature? Or more time with your animals? Or with young children? Does singing or dancing bring you joy? Compile a list of thoughts and actions that bring your ease, comfort and joy, and remind yourself that it is important to feel these emotions frequently.

“You have the power to transform your life, and all life, every single day and night!”

The Golden Ones and I have made many suggestions here, so start with one or two that resonate with you, and incorporate them into your body, mind, and life. Consistency results in new habits, and you really can transform your life. If separation is a delusion, then your new choices can and will affect others; and they in turn may start to make new choices. The power of choice in changing oneself is amazing! Be who the Golden Ones state that you are, and all will benefit!




Solstice Pause