
“We offer our wisdom to any who listen.

Your body and we can teach you to thrive.

Whatever your issues, speak clearly, define them.

Ask for the healing that helps you revive.

Your thoughts and your cells must be cleansed of past patterns.

Claim your Renewal and be fully alive!”

— Miriam’s Human Body Wisdom Guides

These Human Body Wisdom guides usually give me specific detailed information about my body and those of my clients in normal conversational or question-and-answer formats. It’s fun to hear them exploring rhythmic verse, with some practical information included! Speak this entire message aloud, and feel the rhythm in their words. Notice what happens in your voice, body, and mind when you allow the words to flow like lyrics in a song. Repeat any phrases that feel particularly right to you, and again notice your body’s response. I hope their message and my comments on it provide you with some helpful tools in healing multi-dimensionally!

“We offer our wisdom to any who listen.”

These Human Body Wisdom guides are more accessible than ever before! All you have to do is invite them to communicate with you. You can hone your skills in listening by setting aside quiet time to pay attention, with an open, receptive mind. Center yourself, and align with this great consciousness within you and around you. Imagine that your mind is a radio, and you can turn the dial to tune into the specific station where these particular guides share their advice. Greet them, see if you can sense their presence, and welcome their guidance. Their expertise is the multi-dimensional healing of the human body.

“Your body and we can teach you to thrive.”

The partnership of your physical body’s innate wisdom and these Human Body Wisdom guides’ quantum perspectives can be life-changing! Their combined insights and energies can completely transform acute and chronic symptoms, awakening your ability to heal in new ways. Past limitations from our focus on 3-dimensional reality no longer confine us when we team up with this partnership. We can transcend the constructs of time, space, and cultural belief with their help.

“Whatever your issues, speak clearly, define them.”

We tend to have a long list of complaints about our bodies, tangled up in emotions, restrictive thinking, societal programs, and more. Ask your body what it wants to focus on with you right now, what its priority is at this moment, and then place that particular issue into the forefront of your awareness. What does your body feel is the core aspect to address right now? Is it conflicting emotions? Is it chemical support or cleansing that is needed? Is there some disconnection from your true self to heal? Is there a presence of something or someone that is not you? Consider who you would be without that low back pain, or those headaches. How would your life change if they no longer existed? How have they protected you? Are you ready to let go of them? Refine your understanding of the issue’s impact on your life. Then talk to your body wisdom and these guides, clearly stating your perceptions, and voicing your willingness to invite change for the better.

“Ask for the healing that helps you revive.”

Ask out loud for the healing of the issue to begin immediately. Listen, feel, and sense any messages that come or energies that shift within you. Invite the healing to infuse your body and your mind. Open the energetic doors and receive into every cell. Notice anything new. Do images pass through your mind? Do you see light or color anywhere within you? Do you hear vibrations, words or phrases? Remain quietly focused within, and ask that the healing of body and mind continue now and over the next 3 days, even when you are not paying attention.

“Your thoughts and your cells must be cleansed of past patterns.”

Habitual thoughts may come to mind while you are receiving the healing, ones that have held you back in the past and have limited your life. Notice them, because they may be related to the issue you are wanting to clear. Release any self-judgement, and ask the healing energies to cleanse the pattern. Imagine that you are vacuuming those negative thoughts from your head, or deleting them from your mind’s computer. Notice in your body where your muscles are tight, and invite the healing energies to wash those muscle cells and decrease the tension. If there is pain or discomfort, picture the nerve cells being cleansed of toxins in the area and becoming less inflamed. Envision the toxins being cleared energetically, and also easily being excreted through your sweat, urine and bowels. Continue to receive the healing energies after bringing the session to a close. Express your gratitude to your body and these guides, and commit to helping them help you!

“Claim your Renewal and be fully alive!”

As you clear out past thought patterns, affirm what it is that you choose to believe, notice, and embody in your life. Affirmations and mental reprogramming of thoughts can have powerful impacts on the body’s ability to heal. As your cells receive new healing energy, the old, toxic or damaged cells are broken down, recycled, and new healthy cells are produced. Honor that the process of renewal is taking place within you. Envision your body being made new again, moment by moment, cell by cell, organ by organ, structure by structure. Every day is a day with opportunities for renewal and becoming fully alive!



